There are two ways in this, our day,
One narrow and the other broad;
Who now will go the narrow way
Will be despised by all abroad.
This plainly God�s Word teaches us,
The narrow entrance way go in;
Strait is the gate, who enter thus,
Must first endure great suffering.

Thereafter, there�s eternal rest,
Therefore, O man, thy way prepare,
Wilt thou be in God�s kingdom blessed
Eternally with righteous there.
After this time nought shall transpire
But peace and joy eternally;
The righteous then, this shall aquire
Who God�s will honor constantly.

But he who the broad way shall go,
The stairs to hell, this is the same,
He now is lost, God�s wrath shall know,
But blessed is he who�s born again.
To him hat God prepared, impearled
A crown eternity shall hold;
It shall not pass away, O world,
Away then, with your gain and gold.

O, take the strait and narrow way
That thou the lasting crown obtain,
Which God doth but His church convey
Which He hath cleansed from sin and stain.
Therefore away with all man�s gain,
Desire, vain pomp, and arrogance;
Turn sharp away from all known sin,
So thou be known as God�s child hence.

Nought other can the way become,
Who will eternal suffering flee,
Must righteous be, this is the sum;
Go on your way, nor fancy see.
Press toward the mark till endless day,
For who the prize at last will gain,
All must forsake upon this way
Would he the lasting crown obtain.

From the 16th century Anabaptist Ausbund, Hymn No. 125 (translated by John J. Overholt)
"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

(1 Cor. 3:11)


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